2024 intake page: your excellence starts now

2024 intake page
(non-EU candidate Students)

The 2024 intake page allows you to participate in the 2024 selection process for admission to the Master’s program in Transportation Engineering and Mobility. The process involves four stages. At the end of the four stages, selected candidates will own a pre-admission letter. Then, the candidate must run a fifth step outside the 2024 intake page: the visa process. The visa process takes place outside this website, on the UniversItaly platform. Applicants who apply directly for visa-issuing (through the UniversItaly platform described in step 5) without a pre-admission letter for 2024 (without the previous four steps described on this website) will not obtain admission to the University of Naples Federico II.

Step 01
Step 01

Register as an applicant

Register as an applicant. You will register as a user of this website.
Registration starts on February 19th and ends on June 20th.
Warning: The applicant’s e-mail address cannot be changed. You must be able to personally and directly access the e-mail account and the 2024 intake page. The registered e-mail address can’t be modified for any reason. Any modification will invalidate all the results obtained at any process step.
To complete the registration process, the account must be activated. The activation link is sent by e-mail (check the spam folder and wait for up to 6 hours).
Registering as an applicant is mandatory for access to step 2.

Step 02
Step 02

Update and complete your user profile

Login to the website with your activated account (see step 01).
Complete and update
your user profile on the 2024 intake page from February 19th to June 10th (deadline). The user profile contains all the information required for your application. We will select you based on this information as a candidate student for the master’s degree in Transportation Engineering and Mobility. Completing your user profile is mandatory for access to step 3. When completing/updating the profile, ensure red warning messages do not appear anywhere in the profile. Red messages may prevent information from being updated and documents from being uploaded. Also, ensure that the disclaimer and the questions asked in the form are all addressed.

Step 03
Step 03

Wait for the selection result

We will assess your application by looking at the information and documents uploaded on your user profile. We will communicate the results of the selection process in successive waves. Within each wave, the applications received up to ten days before the deadline will be processed. The results could be the selection or the refusal of the application or the deferring at the successive wave (for applications with borderline selection scores). The result will be communicated by e-mail.

Wave Results communication deadline
1 7 April 2024
2 12 May 2024
3 15 June 2024

Step 3 is mandatory for step 4.

Step 04
Step 04

Ask for the pre-admission letter

The e-mail you will receive in step 03 requires your action. You will be asked to return to your profile web form on the 2024 intake page and request the pre-admission letter. You will also be asked to declare that only the pre-admission letter from the University of Naples will be considered. Any other offering letter from Italian universities will be disregarded, and the visa-issuing process will start exclusively to join the University of Naples.
Step 04 is mandatory for step 05.

Step 05
Step 05

Start the visa-issuing process

After receiving the pre-admission letter (step 04), you must register on the UniversItaly Platform, outside the 2024 intake page and this website. You must register with the e-mail in step 01; otherwise, we will not validate your registration. You must upload all the required documents to the UniversItaly platform. Most of them you already uploaded in step 02 to your user profile. You must also upload the pre-admission letter. The candidate can upload the pre-admission letter similarly to the recommendation letters or other documents. The UniversItaly Platform is open at the deadlines of waves; it closes on 20 June. We deprecate the direct access to the platform, as steps from 1 to 4 should be preliminary and mandatory.