On-site application form

Download the on-site application form to be given once in Naples at the Student Office. The Form can be downloaded and prepared before meeting the Officer at the Students’ Office in P.le Tecchio 80, in Fuorigrotta (80125, Napoli, Italy). Online application is not allowed for non-EU students. The complete list of the required documents for the final enrollment can be found on the Admission webpage.

We also strongly suggest non-EU students contact the International Welcome Desk before arriving in Naples. The University of Naples offers free “Codice Fiscale” (Tax Code) and accommodation assistance through the International Students’ Union. The International Student Union is open Mon/Fri: 9.00/19.00 (phone: +39 324 5947719, WhatsApp: +39 327 6778291, internationalwelcomedesk@unina.it,  accomodation@unina.it).