Our alumni community has grown on Oct. 2: happy entering Tahseen! On Oct. 2, eng. Tahseen Bashir successfully completed his thesis on "Evaluating...
Public Engagement for a new mobility vision in cities – 24 September 2024
Public Engagement at the Great Hall of the University in San Giovanni The Great Hall of the University of Naples Federico II in San Giovanni will...
10 ragioni per una scelta di successo
Dieci (10) buone ragioni per iscriversi alla laurea magistrale in Transportation Engineering and Mobility. Una formazione completa, ampie opportunità di carriera, esperienza pratica e la possibilità di essere associati a un tutor aziendale. Un percorso formativo innovativo nell’unico Ateneo italiano citato dai ranking internazionali per il settore dei trasporti. La possibilità di aggiudicarsi borse di studio e di ricerca e innovazione. Fai oggi stesso il primo passo verso il tuo futuro!
Scholarship Study in Naples 2024-25: compete for excellence
It has ben published the “Study in Naples” scholarship for 2023-24. One scholarship is available for the master’s degree in Transportation Engineering and Mobility.
Agreement with CIMEA for easier enrolling
Agreement with CIMEA for easier enrolling at the University of Naples.
Student rating 2023-2024 is still high
Student rating 2023-2024 for TEAM in the Teaching Quality Assessment is still very high. Our score overperforms the Department and University ones on two criteria out of three. Thank you all for this great result.
Intake 2024 simplified
Intake 2024 simplified for non-EU students. Since 9th March 2024, some constraints have been relaxed on non-EU students' applications. An intake...
Scholarship ranking list 2023-24 is now published
The scholarship ranking list 2023-24 has been published. Proposed scholarship recipients must send the Acceptance Letter by email within 5 days after candidates merit list publication.
Great student rating for TEAM in 2022-2023
Great student rating for TEAM in the Teaching Quality Assessment for 2022-23. Our score overperforms the Department and University ones. Thank you all for this great result.
Good reasons to enroll in 2023: take the first step toward your future today
Plenty of good reasons to enroll in 2023: a comprehensive education; ample career opportunities; hands-on experience; and the chance to make a difference in the world. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to become a sought-after professional in the exciting field of transportation engineering – take the first step toward your future today!