Scholarship Study in Naples 2023-24: compete for excellence

by Jun 10, 2023MSc-TEAM news0 comments

Study in Naples Scholarship

To strengthen the internationalization of its Degree Courses, the University of Naples has issued a call for applications for 25 two-year scholarships reserved for international students enrolling for the academic year 2023-24 in the first year of one of the Degree Courses listed in the Call, including the master’s degree in Transportation Engineering and Mobility.

Call for applicants

The call for application can be found here:
An erratum can be found here:

International students who will have applied on the Universitaly platform for admission to Transportation Engineering and Mobility by July 15, 2023, at midnight (Italian/CET time) are eligible for the Study in Naples scholarship. Non-European applicants must pre-enroll online through the Universitaly portal ( according to the instructions on the admission page.
Those who have pre-enrolled before the publication of the call for applications will automatically be included in the selection. Should they need to integrate any relevant documents, as in Table B, they will have to send them via e-mail to

Assessment criteria

The scholarship will be awarded to the candidate with the highest score among the candidates in the master’s degree in Transportation Engineering and Mobility. The younger candidate is preferred in a tie between two or more candidates. The selection board, composed of at least one of the Rector’s delegates to international relations, the degree courses coordinators, and eventually a Compagnia di San Paolo representative, will rank the eligible candidates.
Once the work is completed, the rankings will be published on the University and International websites ( This publication has the value of notification, and written communications on the outcome of the competition will be sent only to the winners.
The Commission’s judgment is final.


The Study in Naples scholarship cannot be combined with scholarships:

  • provided for the same purpose by the University of Naples;
  • awarded within the Erasmus program;
  • provided by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (MAECI), the Italian Agency for Cooperation and Development (AICS);
  • awarded as part of international cooperation projects for which the University of Naples collaborates;
  • provided by foreign government agencies and institutions based on agreements with the University of Naples, aimed at facilitating the enrollment of foreign students at the University of Naples.

The Study in Naples scholarship is, however, combinable where the conditions are met, with supplementary grants issued by the Azienda Regionale per il Diritto allo Studio Universitario (ADiSURC), according to the deadlines and modalities provided by the institution (

Accessing the scholarship

The winning student, only after enrolling in the master’s degree in Transportation Engineering and Mobility, will sign a contract at the Coinor Office (located at Corso Umberto I, 40 – Naples – II floor). Students must be provided with the following documentation:

  • Enrollment certificate (complete with enrollment number);
  • Tax code;
  • Bank details (IBAN number, swift code, etc.):
  • Copy of passport


The payment of scholarships will be made in the same manner each year in 3 installments:

  • Payment of the first installment equal to 50% of the total amount is credited after 45 days of signing the contract. It is subject to the student’s admission and matriculation to the master’s degree in Transportation Engineering and Mobility.
  • Payment of the second installment amounting to 30% is credited upon submission of appropriate documentation proving the successful completion of at least one activity (examination, internship, laboratory) and the acquisition of educational credits.
  • Payment of the third installment corresponding to 20% of the balance at the end of the activities upon presentation of a certificate of all examinations scheduled in the current academic year and report on the activities performed.

The graduating student, enrolled in the second year of the Degree Course, must also submit the Thesis Assignment Application and/or the title page of the Degree Thesis.
The grants will be paid by bank transfer to a current account with IBAN in the recipient student’s name.

About Cino Bifulco
Cino Bifulco is a Faculty Member of the University of Naples Federico II. On behalf of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport, he contributed to drafting the national guidelines for the digital transformation of road infrastructure (Smart Road). On behalf of the Ministry of Infrastructures and Transport, he participated in the drafting of the European Commission's Strategic Transport Research Agenda on the topic of connected and automated transport. The Ministry of University and Research appointed him to the working group to draft the National Research Plan 2021-2027. He is a member of the European Commission's Group E01941 on Intelligent Transport Systems (Cooperative - ITS subgroup) and a member of the National Technical Committee "Autonomous and Connected Driving" of the AIPCR (Permanent International Association of Road Congresses) - World Association. Cino is the Director of the Study Program in Transportation Engineering and Mobility.


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